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Traveling in a Covid-19 World

Mass transit options, such as buses and subways, naturally create environments that conflict with social distancing practices. Even ridesharing options – and other sharing economy services - present problems. What does travel look like in a Covid-19 world? And, how do we adapt to those changes? 

Our guest on The Uncommon Engineer is Kari Watkins, the Frederick Law Olmsted associate professor in the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering. Her work focuses on the pairing of technology and transportation.

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Engineering Solutions to COVID-19 with Chris Saldana, Sam Graham

The COVID-19 pandemic has created unprecedented changes and challenges in our world and nation. With personal protective equipment and other medical devices in short supply, engineers within the College are doing their part to help the healthcare system during this crisis. Our guests for this episode include Chris Saldana, professor in the Woodruff School of Mechanical Engineering, and Sam Graham, Eugene Gwaltney, Jr. School Chair of Mechanical Engineering, who are here to talk about the work they are doing to fight the spread of COVID-19. We spoke to our guests virtually, due to social distancing.