The Uncommon Engineer podcast covers topics ranging from healthcare to the environment to data privacy in our digital world. Hosted by Steve McLaughlin, Georgia Tech’s College of Engineering dean, each episode explores engineering research and how it impacts our daily lives.

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Steve W. McLaughlin

Georgia Institute of Technology
Provost, Georgia Institute of Technology
Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Steve McLaughlin, headshot


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[train whistle]
[applause and cheering]
[instrumental Ramblin’ Wreck from Georgia Tech fight song] 

Steve McLaughlin: You’re listening to “The Uncommon Engineer.” I’m your host, Steve McLaughlin, dean of the college.
Announcer: We’re just absolutely pleased as punch to have you with us. Please say a few words.

Steve: Welcome to the Georgia Tech College of Engineering podcast - the Uncommon Engineer. I'm your host Steve McLaughlin - Dean of the college. Most of my time is spent working with our brilliant students and exceptional faculty members. Not only do I love every minute of it, I also learn something every single day from these amazing engineers.

The Uncommon Engineer podcast will cover topics ranging from healthcare, to the environment, to data privacy in our digital world. We chose the name 'uncommon engineer' because we know that the Georgia Tech engineer often defies the stereotypes or common beliefs of what engineers might do. The stories that you're going to hear over the coming months certainly defy conventional understandings of what engineers do. We can't wait to tell you the stories of how our engineers are helping cure cancer; how animals and insects can help solve more common problems; or help fight cyber-crime and protect our privacy.

We'll be talking to cutting-edge engineers and hearing how their research impacts our lives. Each episode will be a different topic - could be a current news event or an issue that affects us every day - like global change. What sets The Uncommon Engineer apart is impact - it's not just about the research, inventions, and accolades - it's about how engineering makes a difference in our world and in our daily lives. It's about the why - why it matters to you.

I look forward to sharing our uncommon engineer stories with you. I promise that you'll be impressed by the problems they're trying to solve and surprised to hear about their solutions. oin me on this podcast journey and discover how much engineering is changing your life and the lives of millions of people around the globe. You can tune into a new episode each month; visit to subscribe.

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